Monday, 06 May 2024 16:14

Ontario - illegal gambling in high school

Ontario - illegal gambling in high school pixabay

The Ontario Provincial Police are investigating illegal online gambling activities in the city of Orillia. Local high school students have reportedly been forced to pay gambling debts under threats of violence.

What will you learn?

1. What actions did the Ontario Provincial Police take in response to illegal gambling among students in Orillia?
2. Who is responsible for leading the investigation into illegal gambling in Orillia?
3. What consequences did the minor face for threatening others over unpaid gambling debts?
4. What support is available for those struggling with gambling addiction?
5. What role do education and public awareness play in preventing gambling among youth?

Investigation launched by Orillia police

Sergeant Matt Stoner, from Orillia’s community mobilization unit, said that police launched an investigation after receiving reports of a website called Topbets. The platform allowed underage students to bet on sports and participate in casino games. According to Stoner, the issue appears to be limited to at least one high school in the city.

Threats and arrest

Several students reported receiving threats related to unpaid gambling debts. Sergeant Stoner mentioned that one individual under the age of 18 was arrested and charged with making death threats in two cases. Police believe there could be more victims.

Call for assistance in the investigation

The police urge anyone who can assist with the investigation to come forward. Individuals with information can contact Orillia OPP directly at 705-326-3536 or the Provincial Communication Centre at 1-888-310-1122.

Support for those struggling with gambling addiction

People struggling with gambling addiction can find resources and assistance by calling ConnexOntario at 1-866-531-2600 for the necessary information and help.

The Orillia case highlights the growing issue of youth gambling, especially given the easy access to online gambling platforms. The police emphasize the importance of education and public awareness to prevent similar incidents in the future.