Wednesday, 24 May 2023 17:15

5 tips to be more sustainable in everyday life

Sonett Sonett pixabay

Humans have the greatest impact on the environment of all species. In order not to harm nature, a growing number of people feel the need to live more sustainably. What changes can be implemented in everyday life from one day to the next, shows the selected 5 tips from this helpful guide.


1. pay attention to delivery routes of products

Most people buy food and everyday products in supermarkets. However, only a fraction of customers are aware of how far some items have to travel to reach the supermarket shelf. Preferring regional goods automatically reduces one's carbon footprint for shopping. The easiest place to choose regional foods is in the fruit and vegetable section. Price tags usually indicate the country where the fresh produce was grown. Foods that have traveled by air should be on the menu much less often in the future.

2. get more value by sharing

In a densely populated neighborhood, just about every single-family home has a lawn mower that is only used a few months out of the year. Sharing garden tools or even tools with neighbors proves to be a more sustainable use. For those who have no contact with their neighbors, the concept of sharing can also be implemented with family and friends. From steam cleaners to jigsaws, there are numerous tools and items that are suitable for sharing. If several people share the purchase price, it is also easier to select a product that is a higher quality choice compared to buying cheaper products individually.

3. do without chemical cleaning agents

Wastewater in Germany is still polluted by numerous cleaning products ranging from dishwashing liquid to detergents and window cleaners. To remove these chemical substances from the water is associated with a high technical effort as well as corresponding costs. With the change to natural cleaning products it is possible to make a daily contribution to expose water as a valuable raw material to less pollution. One brand that already has a very extensive range of cleaning products is Sonett. Sonett produces classic cleaning products for dishes, surfaces and laundry based on natural ingredients as well as body care. For more sustainability in cleaning and washing, this brand is a good starting point.

4. choose means of transport more consciously

The car is undoubtedly the most convenient means of getting from A to B in a flexible way. However, road traffic is one of the biggest emitters of CO2. To reduce the environmental impact, it is a good start to cover more distances by bicycle. In larger cities, public transportation is also a sustainable option.

If it is not possible to completely do without your own vehicle, other alternatives can be considered for more sustainability in everyday life. These include carpooling with colleagues or family. This way, multiple vehicles are not needed to cover the same distances.

5 Prefer reusable packaging

Sturdy shopping bags made of fabric or recycled plastic can be reused hundreds of times. Having such a bag handy at all times is also very helpful for quick errands. For fruit and vegetable purchases, many supermarkets now provide reusable nets. This can quickly save dozens of plastic bags per year.

This change can be continued in everyday life with the purchase of unpackaged food. In these stores, customers can bring their own jars and cans and buy only the quantities that are really needed. With each purchase, the amount of packaging waste generated in the household is reduced at the same time.