Thursday, 04 June 2015 15:18

Deeplight Super Falcon Mark II

The Super Falcon Mark II represents the pinnacle of personal submersible technology. Completely redesigned following the successful Super Falcon Mark I, the Mark II is designed to do barrel rolls with dolphins, spy-hop with whales, and will take you anywhere you want to go underwater, in style, safety, and comfort.


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Designed with safety as the number one criteria, all Super Falcon Mark II craft are subject to DeepFlight’s stringent testing standards, and are proof-pressure tested for safety. Unlike all conventional submersibles which use ballast to descend, the DeepFlight Super Falcon Mark II is always positively buoyant — with auto return to the surface — providing unparalleled safety.



Forget everything you know about submersibles: the Super Falcon Mark II with its low frontal area and lightweight proprietary pressure hull, is designed around the pilot. Flying the Super Falcon Mark II is a radically different experience, connecting you to the blue space around you like never before.



The Super Falcon Mark II sits high in the water with plenty of freeboard – allowing you to enter and exit on the surface with ease and peace of mind. Just treat it like a tender!



With its high-efficiency brushless DC drivetrain and underwater lithium-iron-phosphate battery pack, the Super Falcon Mark II is fast, clean and quiet. 40V system voltage and low electric signature make the Super Falcon Mark II safe to operate around swimmers as well as any large marine animals you might encounter.